Restoring a home is more than work on the old parts of the house
Not all work performed while restoring a home is on the house itself. There are some things that are necessary for happy life during restoration work, and sometimes those things break. I noticed…
Hickeys and Bobesches
Yes, these are names of real pieces of hardware. What is a "hickey," you might ask? Well, it is a fitting that allows one to hang an electrified fixture from an old gas…
Stripping Wallpaper is Fun! Or something….
Today saw the end of the metal support structure for the ceiling, and all of the lag bolt anchors installed in the ceiling to hold up the support structure. Jenny helped me to…
Good Discoveries
After dinner with the parents tonight, I wanted to check-out a few things in the room. Some good discoveries were made in the process. Yay! Good finish on the floors under the carpeting! …
Tiles, tiles everywhere.
They're in my beard and in my hair. Ick. I really dislike these old ceiling tiles. Dirty, dusty, sharp paint edges.... I can't think of a single reason to like them. Okay, I…
Fixed the pictures
Woo-hoo! Good thing I know some old school html, or something like that. Oh snap. Off the chains. - jonathan
Something is wrong with the in-line pictures
Something is wrong with the in-line pictures in the previous post, but I'm too tired to fix them right now. I'll get to them sometime tomorrow. Argh.
Living Room: Before
An evening and an afternoon worth of work have prepared the living room for its upcoming restoration. We decided to use the dining room as temporary living space, since we wanted to have…
The Living Room Begins
I started boxing-up odds and ends and moving furniture out of the living room today. This was preceeded by moving stuff around in the dining room, which will become our temporary living room…
Thank Goodness for Good Friends
E.P. has given me a lot of good advice since I met her only a few short years ago. Today, she gave Jenny and me (I wrote "Jenny and I" here before, but…