A Weekend in Amsterdam (Day 2)
One of the funny things that I forgot to mention from yesterday is that the Thai restaurant we ate at gave us cough drops as our after-dinner "mints." No, we have no idea…
A Weekend in Amsterdam (Day 1)
Today was our first full day in Amsterdam. This city is awesome. One of the things I forgot to mention in previous posts was that bicycles are extremely popular here as a normal…
The Adventure Keeps Rolling….
So, the adventure keeps rolling! The event I was attending finished-up in the late afternoon on Friday. Talking with a colleague, we decided to share a cab to Amsterdam, since we were all…
A Boat, a Canal, Some Goats, and Some Neat People
Today was great fun. I had the first day of the event that brought me here, where I got to meet a lot of interesting people and listen to some good talks. The…
Arrival: The Netherlands
Jenny and I are on a bit of a holiday right now. I had the opportunity to go to The Netherlands, and Jenny was able to come with me, so we're making a…
Jenny and I have been thinking about getting a chiminea since last year (and, honestly, I've been thinking about it for quite a bit more :) ). I had been to a few…
Despite the lack of entries, there has still been progress!
I slacked-off on writing here for a little while. I enjoy it, but started to get a backlog of stuff I wanted to write about, then just let it all accumulate until I…
KAP in Michigan on Vacation
Jenny and I arrived back from vacation in Michigan's Upper Peninsula this past Sunday afternoon. We had a great time. I'll have to write more on that later. While there, I finally had…
Wow! New work!
After the work I did about a week and a half ago, Jenny got really excited, and we decided to push forward to see how much work we could get done. Last weekend,…