Bloggy goodness
Made the site navigation bar work. Woo hoo! I'll probably tweak it some more, but it looks pretty good, I think. I now also need to go and re-enable the content for it…
I know we've been making progress, but today I actually felt like we were getting a little bit closer to being done with the living room. My Dad came down to help us…
Da Blog
I'm liking this system. I worked some template goodness to add a "Links" section, and worked some additional template goodness to re-enable the Google ads (sorry, but it helps to pay for costs…
Special feed for Our Old House entries!
Thanks to a suggestion by the Houseblogs.net folks, I went ahead and created a special feed for only entries related to our old house restoration. If you're here just to read about that,…
Blog stuff
As an artifact of moving to new software, I had to change the directory for the blog. Most people won't notice this, but you may want to update your bookmarks. Also, if you…
Busy day
Today was busy. We were pretty tired after yesterday, so we slept-in a bit before getting up for church. I had to cook tonight to make something for the church's young adult group…
Veteran’s Day
This entry is a bit late in coming, but here it is anyway. :) Our neighborhood still has one parade that goes through it, and that's the Veteran's Day Parade. The parade here…
Paint Stripping Fun (again)
We got a bunch of work done on the house today. My Dad came down to help. We first wired-up a new outlet in the basement on an individual circuit for a chest…
New Tools! (and more work, of course)
Earlier this week, I was pondering how to make it easier to strip paint from some of the more intricate moulding. While thinking about this, I wondered to myself how much it would…
Paint Stripping Fun
Last week, we were fortunate enough to have a great weekend working on the room. Friday afternoon and all day Saturday, my Mom came down to help strip paint, and Babcia provided dinner…