Forward progress is a good thing
My Mom came over this evening to give us a hand in the room. We got some more stripping finished. The big frame around the pocket doors is ready for sanding. The frame…
Broken blog stuff at houseblogs.net
Argh. I wondered why traffic from houseblogs.net had dropped-off recently. It turns out that, while adding a link to a feed that only shows new house-related entries to their site, there was a…
The other window: DONE!
Today was another day of good progress. Thanks to the work we did yesterday, today we were able to get the other window in the room done with its first coat of shellac. …
Mmmm.. the smell of stripper in the air
We needed some sleep this morning, so we slept-in a bit. We were up and moving by 10AM, though. The first job for today was to get the one chair from the room…
One of my hobbies is that I do sound for theatre productions. I normally work some community and high school productions in the area. The first show for me this fall is a…
The Window! It’s Finally Done!
... at least as done as it is going to be this time around. It was a busy push until the end, but we did it! The trim and frame managed to get…
The big window is close to living again
Today, the big window got much closer to living again. While Jenny worked on some of the last bits of heat-gun stripping, I was able to finish sanding the trim and frame around…
Family Visiting
We visited Jenny's family today for some post-Thanksgiving holiday fun. All of her sisters were home today, so there was lots of activity in the house. As always, we had a great time…
Having far too much fun
I'm liking this software a lot. I'm having far too much fun playing with it and adding features.I fixed some of the image placement issues that were bugging me in the "Cool!" post. …
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving! We have lots of stuff to be thankful for around here. We have a great house that is being quite forgiving of our restoration successes (and failures). We have each other. …