Happy Easter!
For those of you who celebrate Easter, Jenny and I hope that you had a great one. We had a great time with Jenny's family yesterday at their house. We had a nice…
Router table finished!
I have been working on a router table based on the design of the one on Pat Warner's Website. I liked the theory, so I figured I'd give it a shot. I had…
Pocket screws and router tables
Jenny and I spent the morning today delivering bread baked by the St. Anthony Guild at our parish to some of the shut-in parishioners. We volunteered to do this with a number of…
Twitter and you
I've started to play a bit with a service called Twitter. The basic premise is that the service keeps track of short (<160 characters or so), one-line updates on what one is doing…
Sunshine-y days are gone
Me: (said while merging onto 28 southbound near Creighton) "Huh. That's strange. The car feels a little funny this morning." (noticing the rough wind) "Must be just the wind."Jenny: "Yeah, that wind is…
Good weekend
I'm sitting in the living room, listening to some music. Jenny's taking a shower. One cat is relaxing with her blanket on the couch. The other cat is curled up next to me,…
The heat works better when the furnace is turned on!
Today was a productive day. At lunchtime, Jenny and I went up to the mall to get some lunch at Red Robin, and then returned two boxes of flooring that we didn't use…
One gift clock finished!
Ahhh... The first real product of the new shop is a small gift clock for a friend of ours who recently got married. It's simple, and definitely built by an amateur, but we…
Sausage and smashed pea pasta with cream sauce
This one is really, really simple. I got the idea from a program that I saw on the Food Network, and thought this would be good to make some evening for us. The…
Floor pictures!
Lots of other updates for today, but this gets a separate post, since the other stuff is generally not house-related. :) Pictures from the final day of the floor installation, last Saturday, start…