Middle bedroom thoughts, and other house work
So here I sit getting ready to head to lunch, and I find myself with a few minutes to write something. Jenny and I have been working lately on things that have been…
I did it!
So, I finally did it. Here it is--Blog V3. Let me know if you have any problems. I'll be adding some stuff in the near future, too. There are a few missing things…
Bike Camping Details and Pictures
Well, here is the big long version of our trip, in case you were waiting for it. :) Day 1: Friday, June 6th. Jenny and I slept in a bit (on purpose), and…
Blog Version 3 Almost Ready
Well, Blog V3 is almost ready. I will probably make the switch soon. I've been using Movable Type on here for a number of months, and it has worked well. It hasn't been…
Bike camping was awesome!
Jenny and I got back a little while ago from our first bicycle camping adventure. We left Friday morning. Due to some traffic issues at about a tenth of a mile from the…
Blog Version 3!
For the techie types out there, I've been working on Blog Version 3. I'm playing with a software package called Drupal to host it. If you're interested in clicking-around on it and taking…
Camping, toys, and other goodness
Hi! I'm excited. Jenny last year agreed to go camping with me. I love to go camping. We both used to go as kids, so it was fun to go as marriaged peoples. …
Jenny and I are finally starting to get over the flu. Jenny has it worse than I did--I'm finally feeling mostly better now, but she's still working on it. Tonight makes 13 days…
We’ve been busy, and sick, and busy
I need to apologize for the lack of entries here over the past week or so. We've been busy with family events and getting ready for Annie's shower this coming weekend. Insert into…
Updates and pictures and a smoker!
Woot! Lots of stuff to update today. First, Jenny and I went to Linn Run state park a few weeks ago, and we had a great time. It was cold outside, but we…