• Technology

    Noodles and Gentoo

    Hmm. Technology and cooking as keywords for this entry. I'm probably going to make some automatic content categorization system explode. Jenny and I both worked from home today. This is a great way…

  • Travel

    Home, at last.

    It is good to be home. We arrived back in Pittsburgh last night at almost 21:00. Our flight left a little late from Cincinnati due to some congestion there. One would think that,…

  • Travel

    History update…

    Astute readers will have noticed that I had some of the kings confused in the entry about the Tower of London. I intend to fix these later. I was tired when typing that,…

  • Travel

    Rotterdam, Day 3

    Well, today was our last day in Rotterdam. I'm getting a slight cold (of course). The work event went well today. I came back and relaxed with Jenny for a bit. She got…

  • Travel

    Rotterdam, Day 2

    Today was an all-day work event for me, so I wasn't out and about to do anything with Jenny. Jenny did get out, though, and explored Rotterdam a bit, walking along one of…

  • Travel

    We’re in Rotterdam!

    We made it to Rotterdam. As I mentioned in the last entry, we were able to get a train to Brussels as planned. fortunately, we already had our tickets--they told a few people…

  • Travel

    we have a train!

    We were a little worried about the train to Brussels today. We had tickets, but with the reduced schedule, not everyone was getting a train. We arrived early, thinking that we might have…

  • Travel

    London, Day 6

    We're getting ready to depart for the train station. Our train time isn't until 14:53 or something like that. We're going to try to get to the station and see what train they…

  • Travel

    London, Day 5

    Hi readers. Jenny and I are sitting here enjoying some "official" Champagne at the moment, courtesy of my co-worker who couldn't take the bottle with him on the way to his interim destination.…