Welcome to the new Dryrose blog!
Hi all. So there are a few things changing in the Dryrose world. Some are still in development, but this is the first to really get some wings and come to some sort…
SPF Records and YOU
The Domain Name System (commonly known by its acronym, DNS) has been around for a long while. Over the years, it has had enhancements and features added to it. It works based on…
Poor technical score: Your bits are showing!
Yeah, I broke all kinds of things when I moved the blog around and re-organized things. One of those things was the RSS feed, which is used in news readers and in all…
New photo toys arrived, and it looks like we’ll have to cover the flowers tonight
My new Induro carbon-fibre monopod arrived today. It matches the material and construction of my tripod, which is awesome in multiple ways. I only have one set of maintenance and setup tools to…
SanDisk Extreme FW800 Reader = AWESOME
Last week, I purchased a new CompactFlash reader for my photography stuff. I had been using a USB reader, mostly because it was generally compatible with everything. Some of my longer photo sessions…
Today was Awesome
I had an entirely productive day today. Things got rolling with work-from-home work today. I was busting-through things left and right and it was good. I got some development work finished, did a…
New blog live
During lunch today, I pressed some keys and made the new site live. I’m sure there are still some details that I need to work-out. In the meantime, here’s hoping at least all…
It might very well be time for a change
I keep getting frustrated with how this site works. I think it might be time for a change here. I think I need to work a little harder on the change to make…
A Revival?
A revival of sorts this is. I've been letting this blog languish for a bit too long here. I started to spend a lot more effort twittering small updates, and ran myself out…
Busy times
Hi happy readers. It has been a little while since I posted here. We've been pretty busy. I've been working on a show for Riverview school district. They're doing Jesus Christ Superstar, which…