Congratulations Katie and Brendan!
You’re now wedded! And we have the photos (and video!!!) to prove it! I’m still busy importing video and starting to cull photos, but here is a quick sampler from today’s festivities. …Read…
Katie and Brendan’s Rehearsal
Jenny and I are out in Philadelphia for her sister Katie’s wedding. Katie and her fiance asked us to take their engagement photos over Thanksgiving. They later asked us to also take their…
To HDR or To Not HDR
I have two version of the photo above. One is a single exposure, and the other is a composite created using High Dynamic Range (HDR) techniques. The HDR version is comprised of seven…
Lighting Study: The Candelabra
Today, after I was finished with work, I started to experiment with some of the new lighting equipment I recently purchased. The nice UPS people brought me some new toys the other day,…
Theatre Headshots for Valley High School
This entry is being auto-posted for me by the magic of the internets. Around this time, I’m probably getting ready to finish my day at work, just like yesterday. Hooray for being finished…
Riverview School District Presents: Beauty and the Beast
This entry has been auto-posted for me. Right now, I’m probably getting ready to wrap-up the day at work, and waiting for my wife to meet me so that we can head home!…
Corporate Portrait Shoot
This entry is being auto-posted for me. About now, I am probably finishing-up shooting the Valley High School Spring musical, and getting ready to retrieve my wife for some dinner and maybe a…
Busy bee…
Things have been a little busy around here lately. That’s definitely a good thing. The poor blog here, though, has suffered a bit. I’m trying to remedy that tonight by writing and scheduling…
The Scene and the Snapshot: Episode Two
I’m pleased to release the next episode in my odd little series called, The Scene and the Snapshot. Here in the second episode, Jenny and I visit a couple of areas overlooking the…
A Trip to the Sugar Shack
It started-off innocently enough. My Dad and I were out for the day on Friday. We had my truck piled high with cameras of all sorts, tripods for everything, and a box of…