House and Home
Combined the blogs
I took a little bit of time today and combined the entries from the houseblog with this blog. Some things were difficult to separate into my two artificially-created blog boundaries, so I thought…
Jenny and I have been thinking about getting a chiminea since last year (and, honestly, I've been thinking about it for quite a bit more :) ). I had been to a few…
Despite the lack of entries, there has still been progress!
I slacked-off on writing here for a little while. I enjoy it, but started to get a backlog of stuff I wanted to write about, then just let it all accumulate until I…
Wow! New work!
After the work I did about a week and a half ago, Jenny got really excited, and we decided to push forward to see how much work we could get done. Last weekend,…
I took the day to work from home today, as our electrician was supposed to be out to install our new service entrance. While the line from the street was disconnected, we were…
Recipe: Taco Bake
Great for left-over pasta. Prep and cooking time for this are pretty fast. Ingredients: 2 lbs. extra-lean ground beef Taco seasoning (enough for 2 lbs of beef) Tortilla chips (enough to cover the…
This April 29th, Jenny and I celebrated our first anniversary. It was awesome. We had decided a while prior to the day that we were going to take a trip somewhere. That trip…
Making Wood Stuff
I finally got to do some more woodworking this weekend. I got down to the shop in my parents' basement on Saturday morning, and my Dad comes down to help. We had built…
Wow! It has been a while!
It seems that it has been a few months since we've had an update on the blog here. There are a few reasons, I suppose. We had our one-year anniversary (yay!), which caused…
My first clock
I finished putting the finish on the new clock for Jenny. The clock isn't perfect, but I know what I'd need to do to make it better next time. I built this to…