House and Home
One gift clock finished!
Ahhh... The first real product of the new shop is a small gift clock for a friend of ours who recently got married. It's simple, and definitely built by an amateur, but we…
Sausage and smashed pea pasta with cream sauce
This one is really, really simple. I got the idea from a program that I saw on the Food Network, and thought this would be good to make some evening for us. The…
Floor pictures!
Lots of other updates for today, but this gets a separate post, since the other stuff is generally not house-related. :) Pictures from the final day of the floor installation, last Saturday, start…
Floor is finished!
Well, the floor in the dining room is finished! This was a crazy project. This is what happens, I suppose, when one thinks that hey, this project can't be that bad. This was…
Yes, you can install your own hardwood floor
We got the floor started today. Mass came first, then Jenny and I went to brunch at my parents' house to see my sister Sarah (and have some brunch, of course :) ). …
The floor saga continues
Shortly after my last post, I jumped online to do some quick research and get some prices. We had a few important limitations:Floor should be no more than 1/2" thick. The plywood was…
The floor is crap
Apparently, someone else had issues with the floor in there at one point, and replaced it with a plywood floor. It isn't bad plywood, but it is still plywood. Interestingly, whoever did this…
Another carpet bites the dust!
Well, it is about to bite the dust. This weekend, we'll be pulling up the old wall-to-wall carpet in the dining room, and it's headed straight for the trash. Jenny and I talked…
The shop is assembled and getting some use!
Saturday was a good day. I talked to my Dad the night before, and we set a "play date" for Saturday. I needed to head out to Mars Lumber to pick up some…
Tools, and some sad news about a (former) local company
I was able to make a super buy today on some tools for my woodshop. I saw a post on the Pittsburgh Craigslist for a sale of "new and lightly used" metal- and…